
Deep learning is one of the family members of the machine learning based on artificial neural networks. With the neural networks, images can be classified well.In medical image science deep learning can be used to classify the X-ray images.In this project Chest X-rays are used to classify whether Pneumonia exists. With the model that can classify whether the patient has Pneumonia, doctors can reducetime to read X-ray images. The model will give the possibility of the existence of Pneumonia, which can be used as a auxiliary diagnosis.

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Deep learning is one of the family members of the machine learning based on artificial neural networks. With the neural networks, images can be classified well.In medical image science deep learning can be used to classify the X-ray images.In this project Chest X-rays are used to classify whether Pneumonia exists. With the model that can classify whether the patient has Pneumonia, doctors can reducetime to read X-ray images. The model will give the possibility of the existence of Pneumonia, which can be used as a auxiliary diagnosis.

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Identify segments of the population that form the core customer base for a mail-order sales company in Germany. These segments can then be used to direct marketing campaigns towards audiences that will have the highest expected rate of returns.
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Supervised Learning

Project: Finding Donors for CharityML

In this project, you will employ several supervised algorithms of your choice to accurately model individuals’ income using data collected from the 1994 U.S. Census. You will then choose the best candidate algorithm from preliminary results and further optimize this algorithm to best model the data. Your goal with this implementation is to construct a model that accurately predicts whether an individual makes more than $50,000.

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